Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Unprocessing Foods" -- Entry 5 (Breakfast Cereals)

Who would ever think you could give up breakfast cereals -- a product that takes up an entire line in the grocery store & a good portion of the budget!  Well, we've done it.  Fortunately, we enjoy eggs & oatmeal.  However, I have stumbled on a breakfast that I have more than anything else.  I actually look forward to it.  My "Bowl" almost looks like a dessert.  Yummmm, it's about as delicious.

Here's my Combo:
a heaping 1/4 cup of old fashioned oatmeal
about 2 Tbsp of ground flax seed
a good handful of walnuts (or almonds sometimes)
a dollop of homemade strawberry jam
a good portion of plain Greek yogurt

Stir it all together & enjoy!
I use the jam for sweetener.  If you do not use plain yogurt, you may not need the jam.

(PS/ My sister is sending me her homemade yogurt recipe so hopefully by the end of the year I'll also have that!)

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