Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Grilled Chicken with Fresh Guacamole

Last night, our supper just happened & it was delicious!  I marinated chicken breasts in Italian dressing during the afternoon.  I always cut the pieces in half lengthwise -- it seems to makes the chicken more moist.  While Freddie was grilling, I browsed through my leftover foods.  (Tuesday is grocery shopping day -- besides the produce we pick up at Market on Saturdays -- so by Monday night it gets to be slim-picking around here!)  I took a perfectly ripe avocado & mashed it.  Then, I added half the juice of a lime, about 1/4 cup of chopped tomato, about 1/4 cup of red onion diced very small & garlic salt to taste.  The guacamole went on top of the grilled chicken beside mashed potatoes and a salad  -- Butterhead & Red Oakleaf topped with dried cherries from MI and dressed with my favorite dressing. http://greatlettuce.blogspot.com/2013/03/unprocessing-foods-entry-2.html 


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