Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sauteed Brussels Sprouts

Please allow me one more post on Brussels Sprouts!  These 'little cabbages' have won a spot on our dinner table.  I posted earlier about roasting them.  We have another way that we enjoy them.

Our daily view!
Prepare fresh Brussels sprouts by chopping off the stem edge.  Peel back the outer layers of each little sprout until it looks fresh (a bit like cleaning green cabbage).  Rinse under water. Slice the sprouts by hand or run them through the shredder blade on a food processor.  Place about a tablespoon of olive oil in a large skillet.  Heat to medium & add sprouts.  Toss & cook until tender, a few minutes.  Remove from heat & pour honey mustard dressing (to taste) over sprouts.  Toss & eat.  We of course use Freddie's Favorite Salad Dressing, which we usually have a flask of in the refrigerator.

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