Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Just a Kitchen Tip...

This has nothing to do with lettuce but I wanted to share a tip that has been great for me.  I cannot even remember where I read it.  Too often, I have an open chicken broth carton in my refrigerator.  When I go to use it again, it is spoiled. 

Pour your extra broth into a muffin pan.  Each muffin hole is about 1/4 cup -- you can measure the first one.  Put the whole muffin pan in the freezer.  I do not cover it because it does not take long to freeze.  When the broth is frozen, the "cubes" are easily removed.  I put them all in a plastic freezer bag.  I love how easy it is to take out a 1/2 cup or 1 cup of broth.  Unthaw and use in minutes!

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