Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Dirty Dozen--by Environmental Working Group

Recently, we read an interesting article listing the "dirtiest" produce found in the grocery. The article was not referring to dirt, but rather pesticide residue. Spinach, lettuce and kale were amongst the top 12. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization created in 1993 to provide the public with information regarding health and the environment, puts out a yearly list of the dirtiest/cleanest produce.

Here is the link:

EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce
Dirty dozen
Buy these organic
1 - Apples
2 - Celery
3 - Strawberries
4 - Peaches
5 - Spinach
6 - Nectarines– imported
7 - Grapes – imported
8 - Sweet bell pepper
9 - Potatoes
10 - Blueberries – domestic
11 - Lettuce
12 - Kale/collard greens
Clean 15
Lowest in Pesticide
1 - Onions
2 - Sweet Corn
3 - Pineapples
4 - Avocado
5 - Asparagus
6 - Sweet peas
7 - Mangoes
8 - Eggplant
9 - Cantaloupe - domestic
10 - Kiwi
11 - Cabbage
12 - Watermelon
13 - Sweet potatoes
14 - Grapefruit
15 - Mushrooms

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